Oklahoma Laws

Direct Dispensing of Controlled Substances Laws


Are physicians required to register with a state agency or professional board prior to direct dispensing?

This answer is derived from 2 section of law
  • citation 1: see full citation
    A prescriber desiring to dispense dangerous drugs pursuant to this section shall register annually with the appropriate licensing board as a dispenser, through a regulatory procedure adopted and prescribed by such licensing board. see full law
  • citation 2: see full citation
    A physician, podiatrist, optometrist or a dentist who has complied with the registration requirements of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, in good faith and in the course of such person's professional practice only, may prescribe and administer controlled dangerous substances, or may cause the same to be administered by medical or paramedical personnel acting under the direction and supervision of the physician, podiatrist, optometrist or dentist, and only may dispense controlled dangerous substances pursuant to the provisions of Sections 355, 355.1 and 355.2 of Title 59 of the Oklahoma Statutes. see full law