(a) A local governmental unit shall not enact, maintain or enforce an ordinance or resolution that would have the effect of controlling the amount of rent charged for leasing private residential or commercial property.(b)(1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a local government unit, or any subdivision or instrumentality thereof, shall not enact, maintain, or enforce any ordinance, resolution, regulation, rule, or other requirement of any type that:(A) Requires the direct or indirect allocation of existing or newly constructed private residential or commercial rental units to be sold or rented at below market rates;(B) Conditions any zoning change, variance, building permit, development entitlements through amendment to the zoning map, or any change in land use restriction or requirements, on the allocation of existing or newly constructed private residential or commercial rental units to be sold or rented at below market rates; or(C) Requires a person to waive the person's constitutionally protected rights related to real property in order that the local government unit can increase the number of existing or newly constructed private residential or commercial rental units that would be available for purchase or lease at below market rates within the jurisdiction of the local government unit.
see full law