Minnesota Laws

Direct Dispensing of Controlled Substances Laws


Are physicians permitted to delegate dispensing to other employees?

This answer is derived from 2 section of law
  • citation 1: see full citation
    Physician assistants shall practice medicine only with physician supervision. Physician assistants may perform those duties and responsibilities as delegated in the physician-physician assistant delegation agreement and delegation forms maintained at the address of record by the supervising physician and physician assistant, including the prescribing, administering, and dispensing of drugs, controlled substances, and medical devices, excluding anesthetics, other than local anesthetics, injected in connection with an operating room procedure, inhaled anesthesia and spinal anesthesia. see full law
  • citation 2: see full citation
    Subpart 1. Who may dispense. A dispensing practitioner shall personally perform all dispensing functions described in part 6800.3100 that are required of a pharmacist when the dispensing is being done in a pharmacy. A practitioner may delegate functions that may be delegated to supportive personnel in accordance with part 6800.3850. see full law